Refugee work

Room2rent has at most operated 7 reception centers for refugees in both Oslo and Østfold. With us, residents are the priority. We meet each individual with dignity and respect.

We always strive to provide a meaningful stay, and our staff works to create good and secure relationships with our residents through environmental work and quality care.

Room2rent has built a large team of staff members who, together, have significant experience and expertise. We prioritize a work environment where staff members feel fulfilled and have opportunities for professional development.

To ensure safe and stable operations, we depend on close collaboration with host municipalities, voluntary organizations, local businesses, and other supporters."

As of today, we are operating a regular reception center in Rygge. Due to the increasing arrivals in Norway, UDI (Norwegian Directorate of Immigration) has needed a temporary change for the Rygge center, transitioning it from a regular reception center to a transit center.

If you need to get in touch with us, please see the information below:"

Ryggeveien 373

Room2rent transittmottak Ryggeveien 373. Ryggeveien 373, 1580 Rygge
Therese Herje Dahlmann, mottaksansvarlig

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